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Outdoor boards and print ads introduced the AuthoraCare Collective brand for community awareness and shared a testimonial demonstrating improved quality of life

Your story. Our expert care.  |   Mass media print elements

Your story. Our expert care.  |   Mass media print elementts


Key points:​
-Campaign kick-off TV spot educated community on how two ​well-known providers were now a new, stronger agency together.​
-Testimonial TV spot demonstrated how AuthoraCare helps patients have a better quality of life on their own terms.​
-Both TV spots encouraged patients and families to contact AuthoraCare Collective directly to discuss how AuthoraCare could help, spurring earlier engagement and census growth.​


Your story. Our expert care.  |   Mass media TV spots

Your story. Our expert care.  |   Mass media TV spots


Key points:​
-Facebook and Instagram ads featured static images and brief videos to engage viewers
-Social media videos generated CTR of 1.05% compared to industry average of 0.83%
-Digital banner ads increased awareness of the new AuthoraCare brand
-Google Search ads generated CTR more than 4.5 times higher than industry average

Your story. Our expert care.  |   Digital media elements

Your story. Our expert care.  |   Mass media Digital Elements

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  • Provider / Operator / Company:
    AuthoraCare Collective
  • Title of Campaign:
    Your story. Our expert care.
  • Entry Type:
    Multimedia campaign
  • Date of Campaign:
    February 15, 2020
  • Agency or Firm:
    Transcend Strategy Group
  • Image Credit(s):
    Pixel Park, TV animation